Monday, February 17, 2020

Health Policy Advocate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Health Policy Advocate - Essay Example ices that are most effective and efficient, restoring more volunteerism to the health care sector, empowering community rating and no-fault health care insurance with tiered premium systems insured facing continuing high-risk behavior, practice labor substitution for those process steps that can be made routine, increasing the supply of health care provider to levels available to everyone in the society, empowering primary care providers to control utilization and self-referral and increasing use of information technology to avoid waste and medical error (McLaughlin, 375-388). When advocate follow above levers and apply them to improve health care, there is a possibility of a positive direction towards achieving a universal health coverage that is efficient and effective. Having affordable health care services as the fulcrum of an advocate goal to improve health policy, health insurance acts as the most appropriate measure because it insurers health care consumers from any economic consequences. High cost of health care has been the main hindrance to patients accessing effective medication since many people in the society are low-income earners. It will provide solution to the opaque of information on quality and price by providing relevant information for effective heath care to the hands of the consuming public. As advocate, at some point we will have achieved a health system policy that improves patient-physician relationship that reaches an appropriate balance between industrialization and professionalism (McLaughlin,

Monday, February 3, 2020

Managing Conflict In A Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Managing Conflict In A Project - Research Paper Example Kerzner (2010), states that managers spend as much as 42% of their time resolving conflicts. It is therefore necessary that project management include effective study of conflicts and sound conflict resolution procedures. This paper will look into managing conflict in a project. Definition of a project. A project can be defined as a specific undertaking within a given timeframe aimed at producing a unique product or products, service or results. In science or marketing, a project may be defined as a corroborative undertaking between individuals or teams usually involving design or research that is carefully planned with the aim of achieving a particular objective (Kerzner, 2010). In carrying out a project, the aspect of project management involves harmonizing and organizing all the project activities with an aim to enable timely completion of the project and its success. In order to appreciate the reasons why conflicts may build up in course of the project development, it is importan t to discuss briefly the various stages of a project and the key role players in each stage. Stages of a Project. 1. Project Initiation. During this stage, the initial scope of the project is determined, estimates about cost and time of completion are done, the degree of complexity of the project is determined and material implications studied. A different aspect of initiation also involves building customer relationship, setting up the project team and establishes a project workbook (Ohlendorf, n.d.). 2. Project planning. During this phase, the project work is broken down into specific activities for specific role players. Material sourcing and supply is done, clear channels of communication between the various entities is done such as relationship between the project manger and the quality assurance team, or the flow of work procedures between the project engineers and the logistics teams(Ohlendorf, n.d.). Risk identification and evaluation is done at this stage. Conflict may aris e if any of the teams differ with another team, such as suppliers and quality assurances teams. 3. Project execution This is the most practical and most noticeable level of the project. It involves the actual processes of construction, supply of materials, evaluation of work procedures, management of changes to procedures and decisions, reporting of progress to stakeholders or sponsors as well as customers, and preparation of the project for the next phase (Ohlendorf, n.d.). 4. Project control This stage involves refining the aspects of the project that hinder proper realization of its goal. In this stage additional installation maybe done, specific installations removed, decisions changed or made and input from the end consumers or the stakeholders sought. The stage is characterized by radical decisions and is very vulnerable to conflicts (Ohlendorf, n.d.). 5. Project closing. This is the final stage. Here the project is put together and it should function. Evaluation of team membe rs, project review and consumer contact are usually done in this phase. Conflicts may still arise in this stage