Monday, May 11, 2020

On Different Values of Individualism in Chinese and...

On Different Values of Individualism in Chinese and American Cultures 1. Introduction Everyone, every social class and every country have their own unique values. It is the fact that value is the core of cross-culture communication and the differences of culture among countries depend on different values. Value exerts great influence on everyone’s daily life. Scores of people rely on value to obtain knowledge, master the basic skills and foster correct world outlook. China and America are two opposite countries in terms of different values. It exists in many different fields in China and America such as politics, literature and family structure. The essence of these differences actually reflects the cultural differences. The word†¦show more content†¦Tocqueville thought that individualism could be associated with individual value, dignity, happiness, interests and freedom. At the same time, he endowed it into relatively complete theoretical connotations (Alexis de Tocqueville, 1988). Firstly, it emphasizes the ultimate purpose is for in dividual interests. Society is just a tool that serves people. Secondly, it stresses on individual freedom and democracy. Thirdly, it points out from personal view the rightness of privatization of property. American historian Commager thought that individualism eventually became the synonym of Americanism (1988). In the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English of the 1997 editionï ¼Å'individualism is defined as two concepts. One is the belief that the rights and freedom of individual people are the most important rights in a society. The other is the behavior or attitude of someone who does things in their own way without being influenced by other people. On the contrary, individualism is defined as pejorative connotation in The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary (2005). It points out that individualism means some people who just care about their own interests instead of collective interests, which is not a right idea. By the analysis of the definition of individualism it’s clear that the pattern of Chinese culture stresses people’s inner world and embodies inShow MoreRelatedAmy Tan s The Joy Luck Club1210 Words   |  5 PagesLuck Club, Amy Tan tells the story of four Chinese mothers and their American daughters. Throughout the book, Tan talks about the mothers and the life they had in china, the relationship between their mothers, and why they moved to America. She also writes about the daughters who were born and raised in America and their relationship with their mothers. In addition, she talks about the cultural differences between the Chinese mothers and the Chinese-American daughters. 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